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And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness (Bible, Gen.1:3-4)

Being inspired by the accomplished work of the Creator, Engineering Solutions delivers lighting designs that enrich people’s lives. From industrial plants to the football fields, from the offices to homes we are willing to propose an optimal solution that will enhance task performance at work, improve the appearance of an presentation area, or create a warm atmosphere at home.

Since 2018 we have successfully completed hundreds of designs for our customers based in the United States of America, in Australia, in Canada or other countries.

Industrial Lighting

There are many different types of industries that need industrial lighting. Manufacturing facilities require specific types of industrial lighting to illuminate the exterior areas, shipping and receiving bays, and the production areas. The workers need to have appropriate illuminance levels in order to safely operate machinery and assemble parts. Warehousing and distribution operations need reliable, efficient fixtures with large life span and easy maintenance.

Getting sports lighting right makes all the difference, no matter the venue. Proper lighting is crucial for athletes’ success and should be safe and comfortable for the audience members. Whether it’s an arena, tennis court, golf course, driving range, baseball or football field, swimming pool, all athletic facilities have specific aspects to consider and needs to meet. For outdoor fields, it’s important to keep them brightly lit and safe for both the teams and the audiences alike. In any case, the light fixtures must not be too bright or obtrusive, particularly when residential areas are nearby.

Commercial Lighting

Designing an office or a retail store lighting plan involves more than calculations and luminaire selection. The lighting solution affects the ambiance of the office; interest, and enthusiasm of its employees and visitors. It should enhance the feeling of well-being and productivity, so consideration must be given to the design of the space interior to create a stimulating work or shopping place. In an office environment, employees need to perform tasks comfortably and effectively in the environment where they spend one-third of their lives. In retail, general retail lighting has to ensure sufficient brightness, accent lighting to highlight individual areas. When used correctly, lighting guides the shopper’s eye and leads it to desired areas – the zoning within the shop can be experienced by means of the light. Different retail areas can be differentiated from each other using various lighting. Display windows, entrance, changing rooms or checkout area also require their own solutions, tailored to their individual functions.

Photorealistic Renderings

A photorealistic rendering is a type of a 3D rendering where the final result is very difficult to distinguish from reality, from a photograph. These types of images are particularly useful in the field of architecture and interior design in order to show how a project will look like before it is built, in marketing materials, product design and prototypes, as well as in many other areas.